Richard K. Moore: Climate Change & Mind Control
It’s scary how easy it is to control the minds of populations.
Concern over climate change has become the existential issue for activists and citizens all over the world. The level of concern, the desperation, is very much like the feelings we had during the Cold War, when we believed we were always just a radar-blip away from nuclear extinction.
I suppose the beginning of the widespread concern began with Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth. From there the concern has been fed by countless nature documentaries, and by frequent media reports of rising sea levels, desperate polar bears, hottest days on record, and heartless oil companies. What’s there to talk about, the science is settled. Either you’re concerned about climate change, or you’re a head-in-the-sand climate denier, or you don’t believe in science, or else you’re in the pay of the oil companies. End of story. But as they say in my favorite song from Porgy and Bess, “It Ain’t necessarily so”.
Does it not raise suspicion when what seems to be an anti-establishment message is trumpeted from so many bullhorns? Is this a grassroots movement or is it being led from above? If it’s really anti-establishment then why isn’t the media propaganda being better managed, as it is in every other area of our lives, from foreign policy to chemtrails to vaccines? Why aren’t climate-change worriers being labeled by pundits as delusional, along with chemtrail activists and vaccine refuseniks? What’s wrong with this picture? Why are we being inundated with sentiments that seem to oppose the established regime and the profits of the supposedly all-powerful corporations?
Again, rather than speculating randomly, it makes sense to refer to the Big Agenda, i.e., a technocratic world government. Climate hysteria has succeeded in channeling all concerns about the environment into a single priority — the reduction of carbon combustion, which implies the reduction of energy consumption generally. In other words, whether people realize it or not, they are campaigning for energy rationing. What better way to micromanage the affairs of the world? In the interests of the Earth, you are allowed one lukewarm shower per week, to be monitored by your smart meter. Technocracy — the centralized management and distribution of resources, based on the ’the greatest good for the greatest number’, as determined by ‘the experts’, and even more by those who pay their salaries. One should never forget the maxim, “Be careful what you wish for”.
As for the so-called science, it’s all bogus. In Gore’s film, for example, he shifted the graph, so that it showed CO2 increasing prior to temperature increases. In fact, temperature increases precede CO2 increases, in the long-term record. I carried out my own climate study, based not on what anyone claimed, but on the actual historical temperature data, going back many thousands of years. It turns out that CO2 has no noticeable effect on climate, as you would expect from a trace gas. We had 200 years of warming, and that was expected, based on the long-term pattern. It has now turned around, and we’re in for 200 years of equally-rapid cooling. That’s why the folks at East Anglia were caught trying to “hide the decline”. Here are two articles I published on the subject:
Climate Science: Observations versus Models
Climate Variation & its Cosmic Origins
The fascinating thing, from a mind-control perspective, is how such a Big Lie, presumably based on science, can be turned into a mass consensus. Obviously there cannot be any grand conspiracy that includes all scientists. So how does it work? As regards the general public, they're a piece of cake; they respond to Gore, and they respond to the constant media propaganda. As usual, they believe whatever they’re told repeatedly. As regards scientists, the story is a bit more interesting.
As we all know, scientists divide themselves into specialties. There are very few who actually specialize in climate science. The rest look to the few for judgments about climate, just as they look to geneticists for judgments about genetics. Most scientists have no more understanding of climate than the public has. So it’s only necessary to get control over certain research centers, and over the editorial policies of certain journals. From that base of operations emerged the famous ‘climate models’, which are based on the false assumption that temperature rises in line with CO2 concentration. Meanwhile, CO2 levels are in fact increasing.
Once the models were given official blessing by the corrupt IPCC, as regards climate truth, then the funding floodgates opened. A scientist could get a grant for his research, as long as the title was of the form, “The effect of climate change on X”. The pseudo models, plus the fact of rising CO2, transforms such a meaningless piece of research into ‘yet another alarm bell’. It is no surprise that activists would rally in response to the apparent dangers.
This has been going on long enough now that we’ve passed a certain mind-control threshold. Besides being politically incorrect, it has now become a sign of mental imbalance, or retardation, to be a ‘denier’. It’s scary how easy it is to control the minds of populations.
This article first appeared in 2016 on Richard K. Moore’s and was then republished on the Serendipity website. The whole of the latter website is available on USB flash drive (see here). Get it while you can.
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome The First Global Revolution